Face Shape Guide for Glasses

Are you looking for the perfect pair of glasses for your face shape? Whether you have a round, oval or square-shaped face, there’s a pair out there made just for you! Here’s a guide to help you find the perfect frame according to your face shape.

What is my face shape?

Did you know that most people change their eyeglasses approximately every 3 years? When it’s time to get new glasses, you want to make sure you get the shape right! With so many glasses to choose from, knowing what suits you best can really help in bringing out your unique facial contours. 

Many people change their eyeglasses so seldom because of the expected cost in many retail locations. And lens manufacturers feature products can sometimes break the thousand dollar barrier- no wonder most people try to get the most wear out of each pair of glasses they purchase! 

What is my face shape?

In order to choose properly, you first need to identify your facial features. There are 5 main categories of face shapes:

  • Square 
  • Round
  • Heart
  • Triangular
  • Oval

To assess your own facial structure keep reading but remember that this is a guide, not a rulebook- if you like the look of a frame on yourself, own it! Making your own style rules can be a fun and expressive way to show your individual personality and spirit. 

If you’re looking for assistance to achieve a classically good looking pair for your face shape, however, read on for our tips on assessing your own face and choosing a frame that will accentuate the advantages you were born with!

Glasses for All Kinds of Shapes

Here’s the truth about face shapes: almost nobody is a perfect heart, circle, square, or any other narrowly defined category. Most faces are a combination of a few different shapes: rounded chins and tall foreheads, angular features and tapered jaws, and so on.

Trying to pick just one stock image out of a lineup can feel impossible. What you want is the shape that looks the most like yours — even if your chin is a little more pointed than the “typical” oval, or your forehead a little wider than the “usual” inverted triangle. These are all just guidelines to help you determine how to balance and complement your features, not unbreakable rules.

Once you’ve recognized your face shape, you can find which frame shape will bring a natural balance to your face. This guide will help identify the type of glasses shape you should look at when browsing online or in store.

For a bare bone, just-the-facts assessment, look at your jawline in the mirror. Is your jawline more curved or is it leaning towards the more angular side of things?  For the simplest assessment of your face, decide if your jawline is more “round” or “square”